Article: Eat, Sleep, Love

Eat, Sleep, Love
A guide for all of the MUST DOs during pregnancy. Especially for first time moms.
Our lives are so busy that we tend to miss a lot of the things we wish we had done looking back. This is especially true during the short 9 months of pregnancy. At first, it feels like it’s dragging on forever, but when it’s done - your life changes and you realize you may never have that “you” time again.
- Babymoon
Go on a vacation with your significant other. This is a time for you to relax, indulge, and reconnect with your partner. Who knows when is the next time you will get to travel?
Try to plan a trip during your second trimester. This is when you feel your best. Third trimester travel is not advised and some Airlines may not even allow you to fly past 36 weeks. During my first pregnancy, I made a mistake of going while 10 weeks pregnant because it was a pre-planned trip. Even though we made the best of it, I was miserable with food aversions, fatigue, and morning sickness.
- Sleep
This is a big one according to a lot of the women I speak to. Once the baby comes, you can forget about normal sleep for a minimum of several years. Even when kids are sleeping through the night, they tend to wake up pretty early, yes even on weekends.
Sleep however , can be difficult during third trimester. Heartburn, having to sleep in limited positions on the side, and constantly being either hot or cold can prevent good sleep. Body pillows help.
I had insomnia during last few weeks of both pregnancies, and then would be exhausted during the days. Naps is the answer! This also applies while having a newborn, try to nap while the baby naps to regain your energy.
- Eat and Indulge
Eating for two is not exactly accurate. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your body requires extra 350-450 calories a day. It’s very important to give the baby healthy nutrients. That doesn’t mean you can’t indulge a little with some of your fave guilty pleasures and sweets, once in a while. Pregnancy is hard enough, and when is the next time you won’t have to be on a diet?!
- Maternity Shoot
The female body is a wonderland. Especially one of an expecting mom. Celebrate it! Years down the road you will want to look back, remember, and show your kids. Plus it feels so good to get pampered dressing up, getting makeup done, and feeling pretty.
- Prenatal Massage
This is a must try at least once. Carrying a baby can cause sciatica and back strain. An experienced massage therapist can help and it’s a very relaxing experience . However, It’s very important to go to someone certified in prenatal massages. It can be dangerous if they don’t know what they are doing. Same goes for other spa experiences - avoiding steam rooms and high temperatures is recommended.
- Exercise
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days of the week, unless you have a medical or pregnancy complication. Exercise leads to feeling better during pregnancy and can help avoid gestational diabetes. . Regular exercise can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue.
- Foot rub
Foot rubs are one of the most enjoyable experiences. You carry so much extra weight that puts pressure on your feet. Invest in that extra 10 min foot massage at the nail salon. Insist on your partner doing it for a few minutes every night. Once they do it a few times, it should become a routine hopefully.
- Birthing Class
Birthing and Lamaze classes can be very educational, especially for first time parents. The idea of labor is scary. These classes can teach useful breathing practices and what to expect during the labor process. They also get your partner more involved and prepared.
- Alone Quality Time
Curling up with your favorite book on a rainy day, taking a walk, spending time reorganizing your closet. Whatever that alone time may be for you is so important.
For me it’s shopping. I loved planning the nursery and finding cute baby outfits online. Sizing can sometimes be difficult to predict, but picking the right season is also important. For me, investing in good quality clothing is important too, unless you don’t mind it looking and feeling terrible after one wash and having to throw it out. Newborn clothing has ranges in sizes and usually as long as you estimate the season, the baby will wear it sooner or later around that time period. I would suggest to only buy a few in “Newborn” size because some babies are born large and this is hard to predict. Even though babies grows fast, I found it so enjoyable to dress them up. That’s another thing you can’t get back once they grow up.
- Baby Shower.
It can be as simple as getting a few friends together at home or doing a big party. Point is to create memories, celebrate your baby, and a chance to meet up with your girlfriends before mom life takes over.
Check out my baby shower on our Instagram page below!